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"Integrity" Bill subverts presumption of innocence: QLS

The Queensland Law Society has detailed a host of concerns about the Coalition's proposed "ensuring integrity" legislation, arguing its broadening of recommendations by the royal commission into trade unions is unjustified, unfair and "contrary" to such established legal principles as presumption of innocence.

Don't hand benefit fund regulation to ROC, says Burke

The Coalition should not make the "discredited and politicised" ROC the regulator of workers' entitlement funds, noting that even the Heydon Royal Commission didn't recommend going down that track, Shadow IR Minister Tony Burke told Parliament this week in his response to the "proper use of benefits" legislation.

All half-pay maternity leave doesn't count towards service: Court

The AFP did not discriminate against a police officer seeking to have 32 weeks of half-pay maternity leave count towards her service, the Federal Court finding the relevant agreement's intention was only to cover full-pay periods.

Porter readying pitch to crossbench on "integrity" bill

The Morrison Government is looking to win crossbench support in the Senate for its crackdown on unions and officials who repeatedly break the law by stressing that it is aligning their treatment with that applying to wayward companies and directors under the Corporations Act 2001.

PM pushes for collaborative workplaces

Prime Minister Scott Morrison will ask IR Minister Christian Porter to review the IR system with a view to expunging barriers to "shared gains" for employers and employees, while he has also reiterated the Government's commitment to reintroducing the "ensuring integrity" legislation to target "thugs in militant unions".