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JobKeeper 2.0 to rein in flexibility for robust employers

The Morrison Government's legislation to extend the JobKeeper wage subsidy scales back on the Coalition push to give employers workplace flexibility even if they no longer receive the wage subsidy.

Court backs FWO's power to delve into past

In a significant decision on FWO investigative powers under recent laws stiffening protections for vulnerable workers, the Federal Court has rejected a franchisor's bid to have declared void a notice to produce documents created before the legislation came into force.

ACTU lament as employers, government toast High Court leave case win

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has called for legislative changes to lock in 10 days paid personal leave each year for all employees regardless of hours worked, following a High Court decision today she claims blows a "massive" hole in the nation's defences against COVID-19.

Senator's shift could stymie Coalition's IR changes

The newly-independent South Australian Senator Rex Patrick says he will now focus on job creation through industry policy and value-added manufacturing to help Australia recover from the coronavirus pandemic rather than "tweaking the IR rules" as sought by the Morrison Government.

New gender pay equity laws for New Zealand

New Zealand has passed ground-breaking legislation that creates a new process for making pay equity claims in female-dominated industries.

WA's IR overhaul goes before Parliament

Western Australia's McGowan Labor Government has unveiled an overhaul of the State industrial relations system, which includes increasing penalties for non-compliance to align with the federal system.

Victoria's new wage theft laws "a waste of money": Porter

Federal IR Minister Christian Porter has described as "ill-conceived" yesterday's passage through Victorian Parliament of a law creating a criminal offence for deliberate underpayment of wages and establishing a state-based wage inspectorate with wide investigative powers.

Union abandons reg challenge; Delay wage theft law: AiG; & more

Court finding on notice period change shredded; Call to halt wage theft law until working party concludes; Industry super paper concedes employees might bear costs of super rises; and $15K for academic in "labyrinthine" case.