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Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; & more

Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; New inquiry into insecure employment; Submissions due in February for APS capability inquiry; Inquiry considering axing retired judges' pensions for past misconduct; and VACC seeking name change.

Eight-year greenfields project deals under IR Bill

The Morrison Government's IR omnibus legislation is seeking to extend the terms of large greenfields agreements to eight years, closing the door on lawful mid-project industrial action while new deals are negotiated.

Porter asks Ross to develop loaded rates for COVID-hit sectors

IR Minister Christian Porter has asked FWC President Iain Ross to consider how to best insert "loaded rates" incorporating penalty rates and other benefits into four awards covering industries "distressed" by the coronavirus pandemic.

Porter introduces Bill to enable CFMMEU break-up

IR Minister Christian Porter has today introduced legislation that would enable the CFMMEU's mining and energy division to de-merge from the troubled amalgamated union.

Labor resolves to back de-merger legislation

Labor's caucus has agreed today to support the Morrison Government's legislation to make it easier for unions to de-merge, which will enable the CFMMEU's mining and energy division to depart next year.

Bill seeks to extend JobKeeper flexibilities

IR Minister Christian Porter has flagged that the IR omnibus legislation to be introduced tomorrow will seek to further extend the workplace flexibilities rolled out as part of the JobKeeper wage subsidy beyond the current sunset of late March.

IR Bill to offer definition of casual work

The Morrison Government's IR omnibus Bill will for the first time introduce a statutory definition of casual work as being employment that is offered without any "firm advance commitment" it will continue indefinitely and follow an agreed pattern of work.

Porter to introduce union de-merger legislation

In a move triggered by the CFMMEU's internal war, IR Minister Christian Porter has revealed plans to introduce legislation next week to enable parts of amalgamated unions to de-merge within five years of their nuptials.

Porter favouring "flex-up" extra hours provisions for key awards

IR Minister Christian Porter has flagged that he is looking to change key awards so that permanent part-time employees can agree to work extra hours at their usual rates of pay as required, leading to less reliance on casual work.