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RBA predicts long wage pause; Analysis says Bill won't help

The RBA is warning that wage growth won't be "materially higher" for at least three years, while Centre for Future Work analysis suggests that the proposed Omnibus Bill provision permitting approval of BOOT-failing agreements will further hamper any recovery in pay rises.

Casual categorisation not an "opening move": Workpac

Just as the Morrison Government's Omnibus IR Bill says a casual will be defined on the basis of their job offer, rather than subsequent conduct, the labour hire company at the centre of a landmark casuals case has told the High Court employment contracts must be decisive.

CPI on rise; New JIR editors sought; & more

CPI rises to 0.9% annually as virus effects unwind; IR journal seeking new editors; and "Stop the bus": CFMMEU, ETU push crossbenchers to reject Bill.

$200K research brief to aid Government casuals campaign

The Morrison Government has signed a $198,000 contract for market research that might inform an advertising campaign to sell the changes in the IR omnibus bill that is before the Senate.

Qantas says ruling confirms ATO's JobKeeper advice

Qantas has welcomed today's full Federal Court majority ruling in the Jobkeeper Case, saying it made the wage subsidy payments to employees in accordance with ATO advice.

Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; & more

Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; New inquiry into insecure employment; Submissions due in February for APS capability inquiry; Inquiry considering axing retired judges' pensions for past misconduct; and VACC seeking name change.