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Member lacked power to pull rug on dismissal case: Bench

A presidential member denied an unfair dismissal applicant a fair hearing when he threw out his case for want of prosecution without a formal request from the employer, a FWC full bench has ruled.

IR Bill's impact on recovery "probably negative", says expert

The Morrison Government's IR Omnibus Bill is likely to have a minimal, "probably negative" impact on Australia's economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, a leading employment relations scholar has warned.

IR Bill would require casuals to "lawyer up": Burke

The Opposition and unions have today sought to turn the spotlight onto the IR Omnibus Bill's changes to casual employment and enterprise bargaining, following the Morrison Government's decision to drop controversial changes to the Better Off Overall Test.

Global union body says Bill undermines ILO casual protections

International Trade Union Confederation secretary and former ACTU president Sharan Burrow has told a parliamentary inquiry that the Omnibus IR Bill's casual employment provisions are likely to breach Australia's obligations under ILO conventions and recommendations, ahead of a hearing in Canberra on Friday.

Porter abandons contentious BOOT change

The Morrison Government has agreed to drop proposed changes to Better Off Overall Test in the IR Omnibus Bill, which would have given the FWC a temporary power to approve substandard enterprise agreements for employers afflicted by the pandemic.

Junk onerous casual conversion process: Fast food giant

McDonald's, the sole corporation to make a submission to the Omnibus Bill inquiry, is calling for substantial amendments to casual conversion provisions and the BOOT, indicating the legislation's changes to the latter are insufficient to renew its interest in enterprise bargaining.

Bill "trashes" casual regime for small business: One Nation

Pauline Hanson's One Nation says the Morrison Government's Omnibus IR Bill is "sadly lacking" on a range of key measures, including proposed changes to casual employment and the Better Off Overall Test.

Bill will further suppress historically-low pay growth: Submission

Ahead of its appearance today before the Senate inquiry into the Omnibus IR Bill, the Centre for Future Work has warned that as Australia experiences an unprecedented period of low pay growth, the legislation's changes "will exert additional downward pressure".

Omnibus IR Bill "a deeply flawed initiative": Academics

The Morrison Government's plan to allow the FWC to approve agreements that fail the BOOT to help employers hit by the coronanvirus would "tear a gaping hole" in the award safety net, according to a group of leading labour law experts.

Umpire cautions Canberra against agreement deadlines

The FWC has warned the Morrison Government that its legislative plan to set a 21-day deadline for approval of enterprise agreements is "unnecessary and will have unintended consequences that are contrary to the interests of the bargaining parties".