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ACTU-led coalition pushes for harassment change

Unions and gender equality activists will push the Morrison Government to move quickly to introduce legal obligations for employers to prevent sexual harassment and assault at work.

New front in CFMMEU's internecine war

A new legal front has opened up in the CFMMEU's civil war, with the mining and energy division objecting to proposed changes to rules covering the union's national leadership structures and administration.

Parliament passes pared-back Omnibus Bill

The much-reduced IR omnibus Bill passed Parliament today, after the House of Representatives accepted the Senate's amendments, while the Government has also made regulations for its union demerger legislation.

Constitutional challenge to Omnibus casual provisions?

The law firm behind a swathe of class actions challenging the alleged misclassification of casuals says it is taking advice from senior counsel on a High Court challenge to the Morrison Government's retrospective answer to multimillion-dollar permanent entitlements claims.

Stripped-down Bill returns to House on Monday

The Morrison Government has today pushed through the Senate a vastly reduced version of its much-hyped bid to overhaul the Fair Work Act, with changes to casual employment arrangements the only surviving element.

Coalition jettisons bulk of Omnibus Bill

In the face of significant crossbench opposition, the Morrison Government has decided to only proceed with the IR Omnibus Bill's casual employment provisions, including a move to prevent so-called "double dipping" on entitlements.

Wheels falling off Omnibus Bill after Griff hardens position

In a blow to the Morrison Government's plans to overhaul the Fair Work Act, Centre Alliance Senator Stirling Griff says he will only support elements of the IR Omnibus Bill dealing with protections against wage theft and those that "provide certainty for casuals and their employers".