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Respect@Work legislative changes imminent: Cash

The Morrison Government has confirmed that by the end of the month it will release legislative changes flowing from its Respect@Work response, which will include amendments to the Fair Work Act, while a new Human Rights Commission report released today recommends that company boards take over primary responsibility and accountability from HR and chief executives for preventing sexual harassment.

AAT fires another shot at FEG scheme "inequity"

A senior tribunal member has expressed exasperation over legislators' continued failure to address shortcomings in the Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme after being forced to hand down an "unfair and unjust" decision denying two workers almost $70,000 in redundancy entitlements due to a liquidator's actions.

Major greenfields deals back on agenda; employers push for more

The Morrison Government has committed to reintroducing the major projects greenfields agreement provisions it removed from the IR Omnibus Bill, while employer organisations are pushing it to revive other jettisoned elements that would have overhauled enterprise bargaining and the award system.

NSW to impose safety standards on delivery platforms, riders

The NSW Government has announced plans to introduce the country's first comprehensive safety laws targeting the food delivery sector, including mandatory personal protective equipment for workers required to carry unique identification numbers.

Law changes to pressure employers over mental health

The ACTU says a decision by federal and state WHS ministers to regulate psychosocial hazards will obligate employers to eliminate mental health risks, but has bemoaned their failure to support national industrial manslaughter laws as a "missed opportunity".

Union demerger rules reach back 30 years: AG's Department

In the wake of the hasty passage of legislation six months ago to enable the CFMMEU's mining division to go its own way, the Attorney-General's Department says that eligible constituent parts of unions and other registered organisations can apply to demerge if they have amalgamated since early 1991.

NZ's Fair Pay Agreements "biggest change in decades"

New Zealand's Ardern Labour Government is drafting legislation to overhaul its IR system and introduce occupation and industry-wide bargaining where unions can demonstrate support or it passes a public interest test, but businesses say its "compulsory" nature breaches international law.

Demerger ballot bid before Ross tomorrow

The CFMMEU mining and energy division's historic application to demerge from the amalgamated union will have its first mention tomorrow before FWC President Iain Ross.

Casual review paper raises curly questions

A discussion paper on the casual terms award review raises 32 questions for parties to answer in their submissions, including whether common clauses prescribing minimum payments and engagement periods are within its ambit, ahead of a conference this week and hearings slated for mid-June.

Bench can't take casual approach to review: Ross

FWC President Iain Ross says the review of casual employment terms in modern awards will have to move "reasonably quickly" to meet its deadline of completing it by September 27.