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Newsflash: High Court to hand down Rossato judgment

The High Court will next Wednesday hand down its much-anticipated judgment in labour hire company Workpac's challenge to a finding that coal mineworker Robert Rossato had an entitlement to paid leave while engaged as a casual on consecutive contracts for almost four years.

Mining sector backs Jenkins' positive duty call

The resource sector's peak body has backed Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' call for the Morrison Government to include her "positive duty" recommendation in the Respect at Work legislation.

Bring back IR flexibilities ASAP, urge employers

Employers faced with widening lockdowns and restrictions have called on the Morrison Government to reintroduce temporary IR flexibilities including directed stand-downs and reduced hours once Parliament resumes next month.

Coles' LSL underpayments go to "very guts" of issue: Magistrate

Coles has avoided millions of dollars in penalties for underpaying Victorian workers after relying on an agreement clause that conflicts with State long service leave laws, leaving a court concerned its "paltry" $50,000 fine sets a poor precedent.

Expand scope of FWC anti-harassment orders: Jenkins

A praiseworthy male student teacher who receives "highly critical" feedback from his female high school teacher supervisor after politely declining her invitation for drinks would be able to seek an order against sex-based harassment from the FWC, under a proposal by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

Employers signal compromise on major greenfields deals

AMMA says key ALP figures have been "generally receptive" to employer-proposed concessions to garner support for revised major projects greenfields agreement reforms, which would ensure annual pay rises and access to arbitration during six-year deals.

FWC seeks delay for anti-harassment orders

The FWC has asked the Morrison Government to delay its proposed new capacity to make anti-sexual-harassment orders to give it time to prepare for a flood of applications, in an echo of a call it made eight years ago before the introduction of the anti-bullying regime.

Bill empowers FWC to make anti-harassment orders

The Fair Work Commission will be able to make a "stop sexual harassment order" after a single incident under legislation introduced today to implement some of the recommendations from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' Respect@Work report.

Government introduces Respect@Work legislative changes

The Morrison Government has today introduced legislation into the Senate that amends the Fair Work Act and Sex Discrimination Act to respond to Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins' landmark Respect@Work report, which includes two days paid compassionate leave for workers who suffer miscarriages.

Respect@Work legislative changes imminent: Cash

The Morrison Government has confirmed that by the end of the month it will release legislative changes flowing from its Respect@Work response, which will include amendments to the Fair Work Act, while a new Human Rights Commission report released today recommends that company boards take over primary responsibility and accountability from HR and chief executives for preventing sexual harassment.