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Redefine "employment" to protect gig workers: Academic

IR Minister Tony Burke has outlined some of the entitlements he would like the FWC to include in the minimum conditions it prescribes for gig workers, while emphasising that it will be up to the tribunal to decide what's in and what's out, but a leading IR academic who developed a state labor government's blueprint for labour hire regulation says the new Government's approach will provide "a limited solution".

Queensland takes lead on workplace harassment, unregistered unions

In a wide-ranging IR Bill, Queensland's Palaszczuk Labor Government is taking a national lead in empowering the State IRC to arbitrate s-xual harassment cases and set minimum standards for gig delivery workers, while seeking also to rein in unregistered unions.

NSW set to raise penalties for unlawful strikes

The Perrottet Government in NSW says it is moving to massively increase fines for unlawful industrial action to send a "message" ahead of a teachers' strike, while a commissioner who blocked part of a PSA strike says it refused to meaningfully engage with the union on wages.

Change laws to reflect new ruling: Bench

A finding that the FWC cannot keep dealing with disputes brought under old agreements once a new deal comes into effect has produced "arbitrary, anomalous and nonsensical outcomes" and is wrong, a full bench has held, calling for an amendment to the Fair Work Act to reflect the new precedent.

Labor to legislate ASAP for 10 days FDV in NES: Burke

The Albanese Labor Government has confirmed today that it will legislate "as soon as possible" to incorporate 10 days' paid family and domestic violence leave into the National Employment Standards.

Child employment changes before Victorian Parliament next week

The Andrews Government has responded to IR Victoria's review of child employment legislation by introducing amendments to broaden the definition of employment, simplify the licensing system and extend its coverage to not-for-profit organisations.

Morrison Government set to double penalties in construction

IR Minister Michaelia Cash says that if the Morrison Coalition Government is returned at the May 21 election, it will double the maximum penalties for serious, deliberate and repeated breaches of the law covering workplace behaviour in the construction industry.

$181K fine for listed company that stalled wage increase

Australia's largest bus operator has been fined $181,000 after a judge considered an internal email to its chief executive warning of the "very real possibility of being accused of 'wage theft'" if it did not pay more than 750 drivers an overdue wage increase.

ABCC can go for throat after High Court penalties win

The High Court has today unanimously ruled that judges can take into account the CFMMEU's history of contraventions when assessing fines for breaches of industrial laws, clearing the way for the ABCC to seek maximum penalties for relatively minor infractions.