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Queensland to bolster industrial manslaughter laws

Queensland's Miles Government has introduced legislation to expand the reach of its industrial manslaughter legislation and bring it into line with equivalent state laws.

RtD changes could help discourage "threadbare" staffing: ANMF

The ANMF is urging the FWC to use "right to disconnect" award variations make it harder for employers to cut costs by relying on "threadbare" staffing and refusing to roster enough workers on-call, while the NTEU wants casual academics paid to respond to students outside their working hours.

Don't adopt Fair Work Act's "misshapen wheel": Latham

As the Minns Labor Government prepares to introduce further IR amendments in NSW, the lawyer involved in one of the first adverse action cases brought under the Fair Work Act has told a conference the one thing he would not recommend is adopting the federal legislation's general protections provisions.

Union questions "carrot and stick" of mutual gains bargaining

Employer and union speakers at the NSW IR Society's annual conference have voiced reservations about the Minns Government's "mutual gains bargaining" system, but State IR Minister Sophie Cotsis says she is "encouraged" by engagement levels so far.

Reforms to curb local government corruption risks: Cotsis

The Minns Labor Government is introducing legislation to ensure senior local government executives are covered by an award or other IRC-approved industrial instrument, in response to anti-corruption commission findings that standard contract provisions might pose a corruption risk.

Hatcher names team to oversee gig, transport powers

Three members will aid Vice President Ingrid Asbury in managing the FWC's new jurisdiction for "regulated" workers and businesses in the gig economy and road transport sector, according to President Adam Hatcher.

Federal Court full bench sets out redundancy rules

A full Federal Court has clarified the extent to which employers must investigate alternative roles for workers caught up in restructures, finding that a mining company had an obligation to assess whether employees could replace already-engaged contractors before making them redundant.

Gardeners forced into gardening leave as restraints burgeon: Leigh

A non-compete clause is business's "bluntest tool in the shed" and Australia should look to international limits on restraints of trade that enable workers to switch jobs more easily and give businesses other options to protect their interests, Assistant Competition Minister Andrew Leigh told the McKell Institute today.