Industrial action page 9 of 42

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Teachers and employers apart on more than pay: IEU

The IEU in announcing a strike in NSW and ACT Catholic schools next Friday has rejected claims it has already agreed on everything but a pay rise of up to 15%, saying the "malaise has set in" for teachers struggling with high workloads and staff shortages.

WAN lockout over as workers vote on peace deal

The Perth-based newspaper group controlled by billionaire Kerry Stokes has struck an in-principle agreement with three unions, ending an 11-week lockout.

Government chases fines for striking nurses

The Perrottet Government's legal action over strikes by NSW public health nurses seeks to impose fines on their union, while also offering a pathway to pursue deregistration.

Health workers add momentum to campaign to bust NSW pay cap

Striking NSW paramedics and hospital workers will on Thursday add to mounting pressure on the Perrottet Government to ditch its 2.5% cap on public sector pay rises, deliver a significant catch-up increase, update awards and open up productivity-based bargaining.

FWC rejects employer bid to "dictate" ballot agent

The FWC has rejected a bus company’s objection to the TWU choosing a ballot agent with no experience in the transport industry, finding that the Commission cannot dictate the use of one over another.

"Bar table assertions" not enough to refute strike challenge

The FWC has for the second time this month stressed that unions cannot leave any room for ambiguity when notifying employers of protected industrial action, pulling the pin on a strike by helicopter maintenance engineers working in the north-west.

FWC pulls plug on "organic" strike action

The FWC has brought the shutter down on protected industrial action at a smelter after determining that its "organic" nature gave the business little chance of safely preparing for its impact.