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Gorgon strikes called off after "new precedent" set on FIFO rosters

Unions have called off today's planned industrial action on Chevron's Gorgon LNG project after the CFMEU, AMWU and ETU reached an in-principle agreement with CB&I on a deal which they say will set a "new precedent" for FIFO rosters.

Gorgon workers to strike on Friday

Unions have given notice of a protected 24-hour strike at Chevron's Gorgon LNG project this Friday, followed by shorter stoppages over two days next week.

Boral entitled to present evidence on the extent of its losses

Boral Resources has had an early win in its court battle with the CFMEU over damages caused by concrete bans, with the Victorian Supreme Court overruling objections from the union, and allowing the company to plead a wide range of evidence on the losses it suffered.

Boral CFMEU litigation could set costs and damages record for IR law

Boral says it is seeking at least $20 million in damages in its secondary boycott case against the CFMEU, and has already rejected a $2.4 million settlement offer, in a case set for four weeks hearing with heavyweight legal teams on both sides.

Miscarriage no excuse for late lodgement; Cleaners strike in Canberra; and more

Cleaners strike in Parliament bathrooms to support pay claim; Miscarriage not reason enough for an extension of time; Lunching security guard unfairly dismissed; Accountant's sacking fair in "highly unusual" case; High Court to hear unions challenge to offshore visas; and Bechtel clarifies position on leave approval.

Dispute defying "front bar" logic, but MUA avoids bargaining order

The FWC has declined to issue bargaining orders against the MUA for its conduct in negotiations with offshore oil and gas vessel operators, despite finding it misrepresented the employers' position, played "fast and loose with the truth" and behaved in a manner that raised questions about whether it was genuinely trying to make replacement agreements.

RTBU calls off Melbourne train strike

The RTBU has called off a planned four-hour strike on Melbourne's passenger trains this Friday along with two "free travel" days this week, to allow for further negotiations starting this morning.