Industrial action page 35 of 42

414 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Industrial action

"National security" hearing proceeds behind closed doors

The Turnbull Government has pressed ahead with its application for a three-month ban on industrial action by border protection and immigration workers, which is being strongly opposed by the CPSU.

FWC issues "national security" reasons ahead of hearing

The FWC in reasons for issuing a temporary "national security" anti-strike order on the weekend, has rejected the CPSU's argument that the tribunal has no power to make interim orders and should have expedited a full hearing of the matter.

Bench shuts down employer strategy to stymie strikes

A FWC full bench has rejected an employer's bid to block protected industrial action, confirming that its invalid notice of employee representational rights didn't knock out a union's protected action ballot application.

ETU preparing for strikes at NSW energy supplier

ETU members employed at the NSW electricity distributor Essential Energy have overwhelmingly endorsed protected work bans and stoppages, which they can begin activating next week.

FWBC prosecuting 52 CBI workers over "vigilante" walkout

The AWU has accused the construction watchdog of seeking to "terrorise" construction workers and their families by serving prosecution notices on 52 workers over the weekend after a year-long investigation.

Six-month delay for secondary boycott trial

The trial of the ACCC's secondary boycott case against the CFMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch has been delayed until September, to avoid clashing with the controversial blackmail charges against union leaders John Setka and Shaun Reardon.

FWC accepts PC report as submission not evidence; & more

FWC accepts PC report as submission rather than evidence; Heerey report due at end of month; Patrick talks continuing; Productivity portfolio dropped in Turnbull's reshuffle; and MUA tells members not to respond to FWO overtures.