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414 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Industrial action

FWC to hear Patrick bid for anti-strike orders next week

FWC Deputy President Anna Booth told Patrick and the MUA today that she is prepared to sit until midnight next Wednesday to hear and determine the stevedore's application for s418 orders to halt alleged industrial action at its Port Botany container terminal, while the company claims it will pursue the union for losses of up to half a million dollars a day.

Court extends order halting docks stoppage

The Federal Court has today extended ex parte orders to stop Patrick employees from taking industrial action at the company's Port Botany container terminal.

Judge notes members recruited unions into dispute; imposes big fine

The Federal Court has acknowledged in imposing more than $100,000 in fines on the AMWU, AWU and CFMEU and their organisers for taking unlawful industrial action and adverse action against Australian Paper that the unions only became involved when they "properly responded to the workers' needs".

Kane walkouts earn massive penalty for CFMEU, officials

The Federal Court has today imposed almost $600,000 in fines on the CFMEU and 10 officials for organising two days of industrial action at nine Kane Constructions sites three years ago.

CPSU walkouts at DHS to begin next week

The CPSU is ramping-up its campaign to break a bargaining deadlock at the Department of Human Services, with rolling stoppages set to start next week, but the department anticipates the effect of the union's action will be "minimal".

ABCC wins on individual fines, fails in adverse action case

The Federal Court has today imposed $1,300 individual fines on more than 50 construction workers who took unprotected industrial action to attend a rally at Perth's children's hospital project in 2013, while it has thrown out an ABCC adverse action case against the CFMEU construction and general division's ACT branch and officials.

Unions knowingly involved in wildcat strike: Court

The Federal Court has found that while AMWU, CFMEU and AWU organisers did not "instruct", "advise" or "encourage" employees at a Victorian paper mill to walk off the job for three days, they and the unions were knowingly involved in the unlawful strikes.