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414 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Industrial action

Bench rejects employer's bid to review strike suspension powers

A large employer has failed in its bid to have the FWC revisit what constitutes "significant harm" to third parties when considering halting protected industrial action, a full bench finding that the application lacked utility as the strikes concerned had long since ended.

Too stressed to work after "political" rally

Defending ABCC claims against more than 50 steelworkers and two AWU organisers accused of encouraging them to strike, the union has told a court they attended a "political" Change the Rules rally before stopping work for OHS reasons as they were stressed about their employer's response.

CFMMEU seeks urgent review of PABO rejection

With the FWC about to redetermine a non-union Latrobe Valley power industry deal made with a handful of employees, the CFMMEU has lodged an urgent challenge to a decision denying it a protected action ballot order on the basis it was too late to propose an alternative, union deal.

Employer wanted workers to give "100%" to strike: FWC

An employer has been labelled "disingenuous" and a union told it could struggle to explain its interest to members in the "curious" case of employees not paid for work performed when they returned to their jobs before the end of a protected strike.

MUA to challenge "unprotected bans" ruling

Stevedore DP World has opened up a new strategy for employers seeking to sideline industrial action, winning a ruling from the FWC that MUA bans on shift extensions were not protected because the employer never asked employees to work beyond their hours within 30 days.

Week-long rolling stoppages hit the docks

About 1800 waterfront workers have today begun a campaign of rolling strikes at DP World container terminals across Australia this week, after the MUA and stevedore failed to reach agreement on a new enterprise deal.

Commission took proper account of reduced bargaining power: Full court

An FWC member gave due recognition to the reduction of employees' bargaining power that would flow from him acceding to a DP World bid to extend notice for CFMMEU industrial action from three to five days, according to reasons issued by a full Federal Court today.

Majority scraps penalty imposed after Hutchison strike

A full Federal Court majority has today rejected a judge's reasoning for ordering the MUA to pay a fine of just $38,000 for a week-long unlawful strike at Hutchison Ports' Sydney and Brisbane container terminals, but has rebuffed the FWO's contention that the stevedore should have been awarded $600,000 in damages it didn't seek.

Stopworks not unlawful industrial action: Full Court

A full Federal Court has upheld a finding that agreement-sanctioned union stopwork meetings can be freely used to delay and disrupt business as part of a campaign strategy, but has increased fines for the CFMMEU's coercion of head contractor Hutchison by almost 30%.