Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 79 of 132

1317 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Council justified in telling parking ranger to move on: IRC

A parking ranger has failed to establish that he was unfairly sacked after an Uber driver complained about his treatment of a passenger, with the ranger's colleagues lining up to allege he had a history of antagonistic behaviour.

Foodora rider an employee: FWC

In a landmark decision that will send tremors through the gig economy, the FWC has found that a former Foodora rider was an employee capable of being sacked, rather than an independent contractor as held by the delivery platform.

No recusal for judge accused of "ill-will" towards sacked teacher

A judge accused of banging the bench and unreasonably dragging out a case involving a dismissed teacher has refused to recuse himself on the basis of apprehended bias, finding that the transcript and an "alarmingly small" range of available hearing dates pointed to a vastly different interpretation of events.

Chip flavour dismissal leaves bad taste

The FWC has ordered a manufacturer to compensate a food technologist sacked without warning after she rejected its recipes for chip flavourings.

"Disappointing" HR advice on clan elder's sacking: FWC

An FWC member has lambasted a council for numerous "missteps" in its dismissal of an Aboriginal night patrol officer, recommending it review its processes and advice received from an HR consultancy.

Demotion amounted to dismissal: FWC

The FWC has held that a supervisor's demotion to a job "on the tools" with a 9% pay cut was in fact a dismissal, rejecting employer submissions that it was allowed under his contract or via a "notorious" unwritten term.

Court tells BHP Coal to let on-hire worker in; FWC responds

In an important interlocutory ruling, the Federal Court has today restrained mining giant BHP Coal from stopping a reinstated labour hire mineworker returning to the job at its Bowen Basin coal mine.

FWC shines light on "shadow" lawyer

A senior FWC member has upbraided a seasoned IR lawyer for speaking to employees of his large casino client during an unfair dismissal hearing, after it had been denied external legal representation.