Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 75 of 132

1317 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Company too quick to find worker abandoned job: FWC

In a reminder to employers to double-check before assuming a worker has abandoned their employment, a business must pay $7000 to an ex-employee after it withdrew his visa sponsorship over an unexplained three-day absence that turned out to be GP-recommended stress leave.

FWC endorses sacking of harassing "alpha-male"

There is "no place for bawdy offensive alpha-male behaviour in the workplace", the FWC has found, in upholding the dismissal of a male worker for asking a female colleague for a kiss and telling another co-worker that he wanted to "f-ck" his sister.

"Inoffensive" out-of-hours drunkenness doesn't justify summary sacking

The FWC has sent employers a clear reminder of the conditions and processes required to justify summary dismissal, with its reinstatement of a contractor's employee who admitted to vomiting at a major client's after-hours function but denied propositioning one of its managers.

Case a lesson on "proper role" of HR departments

The FWC has castigated an HR department for casting aside its "proper role" when it pursued incorrect allegations and facilitated the unfair dismissal by ambush of a manager it considered an "ongoing management problem".

FWC bares teeth with jail threat

In a rare case, two former operators of a Canberra massage parlour potentially face up to a year in jail for allegedly providing false or misleading evidence to the FWC.

Qantas worker's "free-pouring" defence rejected again

A Qantas flight attendant has failed in his second chance to have an FWC full bench overturn his dismissal for downing 14 standard drinks at a New York bar, rendering himself unfit for duty the following day.

FWC stubs out smoker's dismissal challenge

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a warehouse worker who repeatedly breached his employer's policies on smoking, eating and drinking in the workplace.

Sacked Qantas worker's holidaying lawyer missed deadline: FWC

The FWC has allowed a Qantas ground services worker to proceed with his 52-days-late unfair dismissal application, finding his solicitor's focus on an internal appeal while failing to complete the necessary forms before going on holiday amounted to representative error.