Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 4 of 133

1325 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Role too different to reduce redundancy pay

The FWC has "condemned" an employer for characterising its bid to redeploy a worker to a "substantially different role" as fulfilling its redundancy obligations and has refused to reduce his severance payment.

Workplace standards now "even higher": FWC

In a decision warning that workplaces are "on notice" to meet far higher standards of behaviour, the FWC has thrown out the unfair dismissal claim of a veteran Alcoa worker held to have groped a female colleague.

Federal Court full bench sets out redundancy rules

A full Federal Court has clarified the extent to which employers must investigate alternative roles for workers caught up in restructures, finding that a mining company had an obligation to assess whether employees could replace already-engaged contractors before making them redundant.

Direct sacked workers away from paid agents: Law firm

The law firm whose advocacy helped spur the FWC to consider regulating paid agents has called for improved "referral pathways" that steer workers contesting their dismissals towards pro bono clearing houses, Legal Aid and the community legal sector.

"Threshold" settlements should be beyond paid agents: Employer

An experienced former employer-clientele lawyer turned HR manager has suggested that one way of discouraging paid agents from pursuing "unwinnable" cases is to introduce a "threshold" settlement amount below which they cannot charge clients for their services.

Look to SA model for paid agent regulation: WA IRC registrar

The FWC should look to the South Australian paid agent model because its registration criteria and disciplinary powers for code of conduct breaches are superior to the Western Australian system, the WA IRC's registrar says in a submission to the FWC's consultation on options to rein in "challenging paid agent conduct".

Case reallocated despite recusal refusal

FWC member Bernie Riordan has dismissed a recusal bid, denying that he is biased towards tradespeople and against women, but will reallocate the case to preserve the tribunal's "scarce" resources.

Angelic expectations might be unfair: FWC

The FWC has found understaffing weighed heavily on the mind of a custody officer sacked by Ventia for headbutting a door in frustration at a prisoner on the other side, noting it might be "unfair to apply the standards expected of angels to mere humans".

Half-baked settlement deeds not enough to close case

The FWC has rejected an employer's bid to wind up a general manager's unfair dismissal case after finding that neither of two settlement offers could be regarded as binding.

"Judge, jury and executioner" sacking was harsh: FWC

A small not-for-profit organisation with no shortage of valid reasons for dismissing a finance manager who "disappeared" during an audit period has nevertheless been ordered to pay her more than $12,000 compensation after the FWC found its executive director should not have acted as "judge, jury and executioner" by overseeing the entire disciplinary process.