Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 29 of 132

1317 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Unfair to sack worker for flattening pet galah: FWC

An employer unfairly sacked a labourer for running over a pet galah, the FWC has held, rejecting claims that he breached a formal directive not to operate vehicles when Crackers was on the ground.

No costs against law firm accused of having "heads in sand"

A large employer has failed to win costs against a law firm it accused of burying "their heads in the sand" over the integrity of a client whose claims of mistakenly altering the expiry date on a key qualification fell apart under scrutiny by the FWC.

No silver lining for unvaxxed worker

The FWC has declined to extend time for an unvaccinated worker who claimed he lodged his claim late because of the theft of 45 one-kilogram silver bars from his home, while it has upheld a nursing home's sacking of a maintenance manager who failed to comply with a State Government inoculation mandate.

Protest that flouted public health orders justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has distinguished between "regular" industrial protests and those likely to attract "public outrage" during pandemic restrictions in finding a crane company entitled to sack an operator who attended a violent anti-vax rally outside CFMMEU offices in Melbourne.

"Extensive" domestic violence explained late claim: FWC

The FWC has provided a one-day extension of time to a worker who presented comprehensive evidence to support her argument that she ran late because she experienced "extensive" domestic violence that led to her being admitted to hospital.

Union to test key BHP OS precept

BHP's internal labour hire operation is facing a union challenge to a key element of its model, which holds that its workers are not attached to particular mine sites or regions and can have their jobs relocated anywhere on the east coast.

Dozing prison guard reinstated after "procedural muddle"

A prison guard who nodded off during shifts has won his job back after a tribunal found proper account had not been taken of his previously undiagnosed sleep apnea and that his dismissal was affected by a "procedural muddle" featuring two decision-makers reaching different conclusions.

CUB had right to resist reinstatement of on-hire worker: Full Court

A full Federal Court has dismissed an on-hire worker's bid to overturn a FWC ruling that it could not force a labour hire company to reinstate him to his former job at client CUB, upholding the tribunal's finding giving primacy to the host employer's right to determine who it allowed on its site.