Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 117 of 132

1317 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Labour hire company unable to "abrogate responsibility" for dismissal

The FWC has found a labour hire company responsible for unfairly dismissing a factory worker it withdrew from Nestle after the confectionery giant wrongly concluded she was guilty of a clocking-off violation and said she was no longer required.

Auto-termination clause doesn't stop worker pursuing dismissal claim

A worker purportedly hired to work on a construction project until her demobilisation "automatically" terminated her employment was entitled to make an unfair dismissal claim, because she wasn't employed to perform a "specified task", an FWC full bench has found.

No redundancy payout for Blackmores manager who abandoned job

A former international manager for listed health products company Blackmores who sought more than $140,000 in compensation has failed to prove his employer dismissed him because of redundancy or that its HR manager and others misled him by claiming he was not entitled to severance pay.

Facebook posts after sacking seal worker's fate

The NSW IRC has found that even if it had found an employee was unfairly dismissed, his Facebook posts calling his employer a "bastard" and "criminal", after the dismissal, would have ruled out reinstatement.

Full court overrules FWC bench on "drink-spiked" Qantas pilot

A full Federal Court has ruled today that an FWC full bench went beyond the boundaries of the tribunal's fast-track "permission to appeal" process, when it dealt with the "substance" of a sacked Qantas pilot's challenge to his dismissal.

FWC "unlikes" dismissal of teacher over Facebook posts

The FWC has refused to reinstate a dismissed teacher, because her school lost trust and confidence in her after she posted disparaging comments on Facebook about an unresolved industrial dispute.

Representative error not automatic reason to extend time: FWC

A Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that representative error does not provide an "inviolable reason" for granting an extension of time for an unfair dismissal claim due to exceptional circumstances.