Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 116 of 132

1319 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

Unprotected action not "union activity": Tribunal

A tribunal has rejected claims that the sacking of two striking bus drivers constituted discrimination on the basis of their union activity, finding the law doesn't extend to unprotected action.

FWC backs sacking of worker who harassed IR, ER specialists

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an employee for a relentless six-week email campaign in which he made a "deliberate and concerted effort" to discredit IR and ER employees after his demotion for "racial bullying" of an Indian-origin colleague he claimed was "smelly".

Not bankable: Appeal court slashes chief executive's $3m payout

An appeal court has reduced the $3m severance and bonus payout awarded to an investment bank chief executive dislodged after a global takeover, while it has granted the bank's head of global markets an exit payment of almost $400,000.

Commission stamps out postie's unfair dismissal claim; & more

Commission stamps out postie's unfair dismissal claim; Commission swoops on decision to sack decorated former army pilot; Compensation icing on cake for employee sacked over Facebook comments; Property manager unfairly sacked for speaking out about workload.

Death cover doesn't count towards high-income threshold

A sacked nickel mine employee has crept in under the high-income threshold for unfair dismissal protection after the FWC found it could not include in his remuneration the $6,000-a-year death cover premium paid by his employer.

ANZ to pay $100,000-plus after "flawed" misconduct probe

An ANZ state director sacked for allegedly altering a confidential internal email and forwarding it to a journalist has today been awarded more than $100,000 for wrongful dismissal by the NSW Court of Appeal.

FWC compensates bullied worker for sacking

An employer must compensate a bullied employee it forced to resign, after the FWC found he was unfairly dismissed for failing to comply with an unreasonable request to be examined by a company-nominated doctor.