Unfair dismissal/termination of employment page 11 of 133

1325 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Unfair dismissal/termination of employment

"Subconscious bias" research not enough for recusal: FWC

A mechanic who overturned the rejection of his "late" unfair dismissal application has failed to convince a commissioner to recuse himself based on Australian Law Reform Commission unconscious bias research.

Long list of alcohol-related offences no barrier to permit: FWC

A CFMMEU organiser has been granted an entry permit despite a lengthy history of convictions for alcohol-related offences, the FWC in part reasoning that because none occurred in workplace settings he met the definition of a fit and proper person.

HR manager blocked from "retrospective" dismissal: FWC

The FWC has found that a company's failure to meet modern IR standards, including its HR manager's attempt to "retrospectively" dismiss a security investigator, provided the necessary exceptional circumstances to accept her late unfair dismissal application.

No happy medium after FWC time limit ruling

A sacked worker was not so incapacitated by purported mental health problems that she could not continue to offer "medium and psychic services", the FWC has held in refusing to extend time for her general protections claim.

Compensation cap rises to $83,750 on Saturday

The income and compensation caps for unfair dismissal claims are set to increase on Saturday, along with filing fees for a range of other applications.

FWC bench failed to follow Act's script: Full court

A four-member FWC bench failed to properly consider whether an experienced train driver sacked after receiving a two-year community corrections order for high-range drink driving was notified of the reason for his dismissal and given an opportunity to respond, a full Federal Court has found today.

FWC warns against "unwarranted hope" for ex-Uber drivers

A FWC member has stopped short of accusing a "lawyer" of peddling false hope among deactivated Uber drivers and riders while dismissing the latest of 50 near-identical unfair dismissal applications to land on her desk in the past six months.

FWC rejects "overly zealous" instructor's late application

A FWC member has put in a plug for a "likeable" casual ski instructor to be re-employed, despite rejecting his request for a time extension to challenge his sacking for allegedly competing in an obstacle race while drawing worker's compensation for an injury.

Police technician gets job back for second time in six years

The NSW IRC has reinstated a police technician for the second time in six years after he was again sacked for abusive outbursts – this time targeting rail workers during industrial action that affected his commute.