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"Robbed": Union outraged at entitlements ruling

The CFMMEU says the Federal Court has made an "outrageous decision" in directing that $1m held in a trust fund as a result of a case brought by the union now be shared by all former employees of the liquidated labour hire company One Key Workforce Pty Ltd.

Attention turns to bid to axe Esso deal, after court ruling

A full Federal Court has cleared the way for the FWC to decide Esso's bid to terminate a 2011 deal covering Bass Strait offshore oil and gas workers, after the Victorian Government failed to persuade it that an FWC full bench wrongly quashed an earlier ruling to halt industrial action.

Undertakings get contentious fire deal across the line

The FWC has approved a Melbourne fire brigade agreement after it accepted undertakings that override terms that hindered workers going part-time and allowed their union to block flexible working arrangements, while a challenge is still on foot to an earlier finding that discriminatory deals can still get up.

Canadian "contractor" who flew south an employee, says FWC

A Sydney-based Canadian paid a regular monthly untaxed figure in US dollars by a Calgary-headquartered company for which he agreed to act as an independent contractor has had his unfair dismissal claim upheld, with the FWC finding he was not genuinely retrenched.

Sacked bus driver stopped once too often

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a bus driver who said he left schoolchildren stranded at a bus stop and told passengers to walk because he was too stressed to keep working.

"Palpable distrust" doesn't arrest police shift proposal: FWC

The Police Federation has failed to convince the FWC that Victoria Police's plans to introduce afternoon shifts breach their agreement, or that the potential for frontline officers to "bear the brunt" of community dissatisfaction made the change unreasonable.

Employer bodies spared costs for failed CFMMEU merger appeal

An FWC full bench has dismissed the CFMMEU's application for costs against the AMMA and MBA for their unsuccessful appeal against last March's merger creating the mega-union, finding the employer bodies' case "not unworthy of consideration".

Former ministerial advisor facing squeeze on AWU raid questions

The Federal Court will rule this morning on whether a former senior media advisor to ex-Employment Minister Michaelia Cash will be required to answer questions in the AWU raids case, despite claiming privilege on the grounds of self-incrimination.

"Big black b*stard" comment not a racial slur: FWC

A senior radio journalist sacked for referring to singer Michael Jackson's father as a "big, black b*stard" on air has been awarded more than $30,000 in compensation, after a senior FWC member found a recording of the exchange clearly showed it was not a racist slur.