Court and tribunal decisions page 214 of 377

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$1.5m payout for political activities discrimination

Former Queensland assistant health minister Dr Chris Davis has won more than $1.4 million in compensation after a tribunal held that a health service's discriminatory decision to deny him a job because of his political activities and beliefs forced him into early retirement.

Bench upholds extending notice to five days

An FWC full bench has upheld a decision requiring the CFMMEU to give DP World extra notice of industrial action at container terminals in Brisbane, Fremantle, Sydney and Melbourne, despite the union's protestations that it placed too much emphasis on the effect upon third parties.

Full court upholds strict rules for bargaining notice content

A full Federal Court has upheld a finding that retailer Aldi issued invalid bargaining notices because it failed to strictly follow the mandatory content requirements when it replaced "employer" with "leader".

FWC inserts annualised hours clauses in awards

Employers say the FWC's decision to forge ahead with model annualised wage clauses containing new record-keeping and reconciliation requirements – inserting them into some awards for the first time – will impose a "major red tape burden" while removing much of the benefit.

Deal's "traditional" notion supports uni's pay cut: FWC

A university's decision to slash casual tutors' rates for online student support almost four years into an agreement has been endorsed by the FWC, despite the member observing that the deal's definition of tutorial harked back to his long-gone days at law school.

"Honest" directors culpable for $1.1 million underpayments

In a second-time-around ruling on accessorial liability, "exceptionally brilliant" inventor Kia Silverbrook and partner/fellow company director Janette Lee have this time failed to convince a court that they were not knowingly concerned in underpaying workers more than $1 million.

FWC halts "unilateral" axing of income protection

Stevedore DP World will have to abandon its plan to end an income protection scheme for its container terminal workers from Friday, after the FWC ruled its agreement with the CFMMEU's MUA division does not permit "unilateral cessation".