Court and tribunal decisions page 185 of 376

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Excessive hours left BT manager no option but to jump: FWC

The FWC has found Westpac subsidiary BT unfairly dismissed a business development manager by giving him "no effective or real option but to resign" when it failed to deal with his excessive working hours or investigate his complaints against a former mentee.

Employee demoted after s-xual harassment complaint

An employer victimised a supervisor by forcing her to take leave and change roles after she complained that a male colleague s-xually-harassed her when he stared at her breasts, a tribunal has found.

Court substantially rejects riding crop harassment case

The Federal Court has largely rejected a former CSIRO scientist's claim for more than $300,000 in compensation for alleged sexual harassment, discrimination and adverse action, instead awarding her $1000 over a senior manager's failure to comply with grievance procedures.

Not all underpaid visa holders "vulnerable": Judge

A judge has ordered more than $200,000 in compensation and penalties against two underpaying former company directors at the same time as roundly rejecting FWO attempts to characterise the dental technician involved as a "vulnerable" visa-holder.

"Unidentifiable" consequences help post-midnight claim proceed

In a decision that potentially moves the dial on how much the 21-day deadline for unfair dismissal claims can be stretched, the FWC has in discerning no practical consequences granted an extension to a worker who lodged their form 29 minutes after midnight on a Friday.

Employer body denied refund of millions in payroll tax

A peak employer body has lost a lengthy battle to reclaim millions of dollars in payroll tax on the basis of its charity status, a court finding the network's model "primarily focused on serving the self-interest of its members" rather than promoting a stronger economy for everyone.

Deleting NERR's union references "herded" employees: FWC

A large employer's decision to excise union references from its representational rights notice has scuppered its proposed agreement, the FWC observing that employees were effectively being "herded" towards two colleagues who had negotiated the previous deal.

Hefty penalty for KKR-backed company that forged payslips

A company "motivated by malice" when it forged documents to cut the leave balance of a chief operating officer it perceived as "a thorn in its side" has been ordered to pay $250,000 in penalties and unpaid entitlements.

Court rules officials must show permits for safety entry

The Federal Court has closed a loophole under which union organisers maintained they could enter sites to discuss safety issues under state OHS laws without showing their federal entry permits.

Bench rejects Minister's review of 'discriminatory' deal

An FWC full bench has rejected IR Minister Christian Porter's bid to review an already-approved agreement on the basis that it contains discriminatory terms, while it has allowed changes "entirely disposing" of any lingering ambiguities.