Court and tribunal decisions page 185 of 377

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Repeated mobile use did not warrant instant sacking

A gym must compensate a martial arts instructor for taking the "unnecessarily harsh" step of summarily sacking him, despite the FWC finding it within its rights to give him his marching orders for constantly using his phone while supervising classes.

"People like you can't get pregnant" remark justified sacking

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an Energy Australia employee who told one colleague she could not get pregnant due to her sexuality and suggested to another that he was related to Deepak Chopra because of his Indian descent.

Super-union debuts; Bench scuttles offshore deal; & more

NUW deregistered, UWU out of the blocks; Wrong rate claim sinks offshore deal, Bench rules; Google no answer to getting dismissal right; and Cop's bid for early long service leave rejected.

Employer sensibly hedged bets with secretive deals, says FWC

The FWC has held that a construction giant did not breach good faith bargaining requirements by secretly making two greenfields deals with the AWU without telling other unions who believed they were jointly negotiating a project agreement.

Employee status "not a box-checking exercise": Judge

The Federal Court has rejected a bid by the FWO and CFMMEU to upset a major labour hire company's treatment of workers as independent contractors, finding the service agreement signed by the parties transparently spelt out the true nature of their relationship.

Government should be driving equal remuneration: IRC

A NSW IRC full bench has in making equal remuneration orders delivering a 11% rise for education support workers called on governments to ensure worthy such cases are argued, rather than rely on unions "funded by a declining member base".

Tribunal's wings not clipped by Chairman's Lounge membership

A senior FWC member has declined to recuse himself from a case involving Qantas, rejecting suggestions that he could be compromised by his enjoyment of the many perks that come with access to the airline's invitation-only Chairman's Lounge.