Court and tribunal decisions page 179 of 376

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GM wins penalties after "vengeful" denial of entitlements

The former "right-hand" man to a Gold Coast tobacco mogul who styles himself as "the candyman" has won $90,000 in penalties and 10% of his costs for an adverse action case he won two years ago in which a court found the employer "fabricated" a reason to dismiss him.

Undertakings soar over genuine agreement hurdle: FWC

In a decision affirming the FWC's expanded ability to use undertakings to approve agreements, a controversial non-union power industry deal made with a handful of employees has been rubber-stamped despite concerns about how it was explained to those it covers.

Make warnings more specific, FWC tells employer

The FWC has upheld Victoria Police's sacking of an OHS practitioner who, on receiving a proposed final warning, "let fly" against claims that she made unwanted advances towards a colleague and defied a direction not to contact her about it.

High Court agrees to hear personal/carer's leave case

The High Court has today granted the Morrison Government and a major food manufacturer special leave to appeal a contentious decision on calculating sick and carers leave, claimed to potentially cost employers an extra $2 billion a year.

One-off pot smoker's sacking went off the rails: FWC

The FWC has reinstated a rail worker sacked for coming to work the day after he smoked his first joint in 30 years and has taken Sydney Trains to task over its purported zero tolerance for drugs.

Sacked airline employee not persecuted over s-xuality: FWC

The FWC on re-hearing a Chinese airline employee's unfair dismissal case has rejected claims that his supervisor persecuted him because of his homos-xuality, instead finding his blatant dishonesty to be a further valid reason for his sacking.

AMA sutures union alliance

The AMA has retracted claims that the Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation does not have the interests of joint members at heart or that it could provide comparable IR support, confirming their alliance is not over yet.

FWC GM to scrutinise greenfields deal's stat decs

The FWC has referred its decision to terminate a nominally-expired greenfields agreement to general manager Bernadette O'Neill to consider whether its 2014 approval relied on inaccurate statutory declarations made by the employer's managing director and a CFMMEU State leader.