Court and tribunal decisions page 169 of 378

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Left-handed worker's sacking not quite right: Court

A major gas supplier has been ordered to reinstate a left-handed worker whose primary duties involved lifting five-kilogram cylinders, after basing his dismissal on an assessment that right shoulder and neck pain meant he could lift no more than 20kgs.

ROC's AWU appeal heads to court; Employer body probe completed

The Registered Organisation Commission's challenge to the Federal Court's quashing of its investigation into the AWU's past donations is set to be heard next month, while the regulator has completed its investigation of an employer organisation and is awaiting advice on whether it will deregister before taking further action.

"Mischief" in bias concern around dope-smoking prison officer

A tribunal has upheld the dismissal of a marijuana-smoking prison officer, while noting the potential for "mischief" in the suggestion that her proclivity could produce an unconscious bias in assessing inmates.

Another dunking for offshore deal

A labour hire company's successor agreement has again failed to win approval from the FWC, despite an undertaking aimed at addressing a finding that it told workers their rates of pay would rise when they would actually fall.

FWC makes first COVID-19 redundancy pay rulings

The FWC, in contrasting redundancy decisions delivered on the same day, has agreed to slash the payment a small, pandemic-affected business must make to a worker, but has rejected another employer's bid to do the same for three of its former employees.

Senior member fumbled Hungry Jack's deal: Bench

An FWC full bench has finally approved Hungry Jack's' 2019 national agreement a year after it won overwhelming support, delivering a withering assessment of a tribunal member's handling of a matter that "went badly astray".

FWC inserts pandemic leave in awards

A six-member FWC full bench has today made a coronavirus-driven change to 99 modern awards to temporarily give an estimated 4.4 million workers access to two weeks unpaid "pandemic leave" and enable them to take annual leave at half pay.