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Anti-bullying ruling highlights HR department's "significant failure"

The FWC has recommended a large employer's human resources department do a better job of supporting employees returning after injury, noting a nurse's failed bullying claim demonstrates the difficulties workers face when HR is not properly involved.

FWO wins leave to continue test case against failed company

The Federal Court has given the FWO permission to pursue a case that "raises matters of public importance with implications well beyond the parties" that involves a company, now in voluntary liquidation, that allegedly obstructed the watchdog's inspectors.

FWC decision offers guidance on stand-downs

In a significant decision examining how employers can lawfully assess "useful work" when standing down employees, the FWC has ruled a pandemic-affected cruise operator acted "upon proper principles" when transferring some of a superintendent's duties to others.

Approach to JobKeeper unreasonable: FWC

The FWC has found it unreasonable of Qantas to only pay the equivalent of two fortnightly JobKeeper payments to a monthly paid manager who worked for part of the period, in a decision the ASU wants applied to the rest of its workforce.

BP to "uphold values" despite losing Hitler parody appeal

BP has vowed to keep upholding its values across operations despite failing to upset FWC full bench orders to reinstate a worker who made a Hitler parody video of its protracted bargaining with oil refinery workers.

Tribunal weighs arbitral powers under old deals

A Fair Work commissioner has rejected fellow tribunal members' "erroneous" interpretations of an established authority to dismiss a classification dispute commenced under a since-expired deal.

Demotion for affair showed HR director's "leniency": Tribunal

A senior police executive who tried to reset his "moral compass" during an affair involving almost 24,000 emails has failed to have his demotion reduced, a tribunal appeals board suggesting such efforts had already helped spare him dismissal.

Employers reel from casuals ruling, as expert extols conversion

The Morrison Government has flagged potential legislative change as the full Federal Court's Rossato ruling sends "shockwaves" among employers, while an academic says it is untenable for casuals to receive both loading and leave entitlements.