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439 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Penalties

NSW set to raise penalties for unlawful strikes

The Perrottet Government in NSW says it is moving to massively increase fines for unlawful industrial action to send a "message" ahead of a teachers' strike, while a commissioner who blocked part of a PSA strike says it refused to meaningfully engage with the union on wages.

State laws no cap on compensation for "broken" worker: Judge

A Federal Court judge has affirmed the primacy of federal over state laws in determining that NSW workers compensation caps did not shackle the amounts he could award to a long-serving manager whose life was "effectively destroyed" by a new chief executive.

$181K fine for listed company that stalled wage increase

Australia's largest bus operator has been fined $181,000 after a judge considered an internal email to its chief executive warning of the "very real possibility of being accused of 'wage theft'" if it did not pay more than 750 drivers an overdue wage increase.

ABCC can go for throat after High Court penalties win

The High Court has today unanimously ruled that judges can take into account the CFMMEU's history of contraventions when assessing fines for breaches of industrial laws, clearing the way for the ABCC to seek maximum penalties for relatively minor infractions.

Full court slashes fines after ABCC's "confused" case

A full Federal Court has halved fines imposed on the CFMMEU and one of its officials after finding that the evidence in the ABCC's "factually confused" case failed to establish that an official pushed over a project manager during an entry dispute.

Government chases fines for striking nurses

The Perrottet Government's legal action over strikes by NSW public health nurses seeks to impose fines on their union, while also offering a pathway to pursue deregistration.

NSW government "trying to silence" nurses' union: NSWNMA

The NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association faces the possibility of big fines after NSW Health initiated legal action alleging that its recent industrial action breached IRC anti-strike orders.

Lawyer entitled to "fruits of victory": Court

The Federal Court has rejected a law firm's attempt to stay payment of compensation awarded to a junior solicitor, the judge finding he is "entitled to the fruits of his victory" while the judgment is appealed.