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Union deal impeding permanent roles, claims government

The NSW Perrottet Coalition Government is blaming a union-negotiated staffing agreement for hampering its ability to offer permanency to temporary teachers, as both it and NSW Labor promise to convert 10,000 to permanent roles.

Pandemic no "stalking horse" to undermine rights: Court

In a detailed examination of a major government department's early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Court has rejected union claims that a hastily-conceived working from home policy breached existing arrangements and consultation requirements.

Union, builder fined $1.35M for subcontractor boycott

The ACCC has secured a maximum $750,000 fine against the CFMMEU for breaching competition laws when it pressured a major construction company to boycott a non-union subcontractor.

"Passed over" due to parental leave, responsibilities: Manager

An Employsure manager is suing the IR advisory service for deciding against appointing her to a more senior role that she sought while on parental leave, accusing it of discriminating against her because of her pregnancy and impending family responsibilities.

FWO prosecutes sandstone university over treatment of casuals

The Fair Work Ombudsman has initiated legal action against the University of Melbourne, alleging it coerced and took adverse action against two casual academics to stop them claiming payment for work they performed.

"Remedial" training for union officials unnecessary: Court

A court has fined a CFMMEU official almost $9000, but has attached little weight to "remedial" training he undertook after the ABCC charged him with preventing a concrete pour, saying it should not be necessary for someone in his role.

Economics professor's workplace missteps continue to add up

A former economics professor's troubled relationship with workplace laws has continued, after a court accepted that he "actively" managed an underpaying grocery store previously fined for similar breaches.

ABCC counsel missed "disgusting" homophobic slur: Judge

A judge has in slugging a CFMMEU organiser with a $12,500 personal fine speculated that counsel for the ABCC may have led a "sheltered" existence in not appreciating that the official had aimed a "quite disgusting" homophobic slur at a project's safety adviser.

Woolworths fined $10,000 for adverse action

In the first case of its kind against Woolworths, the retailer has today been ordered to pay an unregistered union $10,000 after a court found the supermarket breached workplace laws by pressuring a delegate who raised concerns about car park safety.