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439 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Penalties

"Croc hunter" might be personally liable for entry-breach fines

A self-confessed "smart-arse" organiser, who claimed to be crocodile hunter Steve Irwin after he entered a NSW building site for a safety inspection while under a Queensland permit, might be personally liable for any penalties.

High Court grants special leave to challenge "agreed penalty" ruling

The High Court has granted special leave for the federal government, the CFMEU and the CEPU to challenge a full Federal Court judgment that effectively stops the FWO and FWBC from continuing their practice of providing "agreed" penalty ranges to courts.

Court orders visa-breaching employer to pay $100,000 in restitution

Five weeks after ordering Darwin-based Choong Enterprises to pay the largest-ever court-imposed fine for breaching 457 visa sponsorship obligations, the Federal Court has directed the company to backpay seven of the Filipino workers involved a total of more than $100,000.

Employer cleared to "punish" worker who defied order

An employee dismissed for misconduct might now face imprisonment and penalties for contempt after failing to comply with a court order to repay more than $25,000 to his former employer.

Big fine for employer with "cavalier attitude"

In one of the last wages and entitlements cases pursued by the FWBC, a building subcontractor that used a labour-hire company to distance itself from it employment obligations has been fined $145,000 and ordered to backpay $150,000 to more than a dozen workers.

CFMEU's record a factor in $100,000-plus fines

The Federal Court has criticised the CFMEU for its "deplorable" approach to complying with the law, ordering it to pay a penalty of more than $100,000 for a series of breaches on a wind farm construction site and to stop interfering in the project.

Change Act to open way for penalty rate reduction: Restaurants

The former Labor Government's changes to the modern award objective have made it impossible for 24/7 industries such as hospitality to successfully prosecute cases to abolish penalty rates and should be scrapped, according to the peak body for restaurant employers.

CFMEU fined for "Bald" contempt after heading for the hills

The CFMEU construction and general division's "cavalier attitude" to court orders has cost it another $125,000, with the Federal Court finding it in contempt of undertakings not to block access to a Victorian wind farm project last year.

Late wages "penalty" can be included in modern awards: FWC

A four-member Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that the tribunal has the power to insert in modern awards a provision penalising employers for late payment of wages, but has left it to another bench to decide next week whether the proposal has merit.