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439 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Penalties

Boral entitled to present evidence on the extent of its losses

Boral Resources has had an early win in its court battle with the CFMEU over damages caused by concrete bans, with the Victorian Supreme Court overruling objections from the union, and allowing the company to plead a wide range of evidence on the losses it suffered.

Boral CFMEU litigation could set costs and damages record for IR law

Boral says it is seeking at least $20 million in damages in its secondary boycott case against the CFMEU, and has already rejected a $2.4 million settlement offer, in a case set for four weeks hearing with heavyweight legal teams on both sides.

Big penalty against MUA for "scab" posters

Five waterfront workers have been awarded a total of $120,000 in compensation for the emotional distress they suffered after the MUA named them in "scab posters" that had them fearing for their safety.

Following orders no excuse for HR managers who took adverse action

The Federal Circuit Court has fined construction company Baulderstone $25,000 for taking adverse action against a worker who resigned his CFMEU membership, along with $7000 in penalties for two HR managers who were carrying out orders and failed to "exercise their choice" to refuse to comply.

FWO pursuing individual crew members over tanker strike

The Fair Work Ombudsman is seeking individual penalties against seven seafarers who took unlawful industrial action last year when they refused for 10 days to weigh anchor for their last journey before being made redundant.