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FWC permits ABCC to rely on evidence of CFMEU pattern of conduct

The FWC will allow the ABCC to include material the CFMEU claims is prejudicial in its application to axe the entry permits of three officials who allegedly abused their rights when they visited Lend Lease sites in 2014.

Record fine over cash-back scheme a "big blow" against exploitation: FWO

As a court fines a regional café more than $500,000 for exploiting overseas workers and the FWO pursues two other cafes for unlawful "cash-back" schemes, Ombudsman Natalie James has welcomed the Federal Government's commitment to introducing laws to prohibit such arrangements.

Union defies order to halt strike by NDIS workers

The NSW Public Service Association has defied a court order restraining it from organising its members to strike in protest at the State Government's plans to privatise disability support work and will now face substantial penalties in the Supreme Court.

Court fines CFMEU for organising waterfront blockade

A court has fined the CFMEU and two organisers almost $100,000, after finding the union engaged in unlawful coercion and adverse action when it organised a blockade at the $1.6 billion Port of Melbourne expansion project because an employer refused to bargain.

FWO sparks prosecution of director under corporations law

A tip-off from the Fair Work Ombudsman has led to the prosecution of a former company director for alleged breaches of the corporations law when he sought to deregister an entity that owed the Federal Government more than $50,000 in penalties for unpaid employee entitlements.

Pizza Hut failing to deliver for workers: FWO

Fast food giant Pizza Hut has underpaid some of its delivery drivers, offering as little as $5.70 per delivery, with 92% of franchisees audited by the FWO failing to meet their legal obligations to employees, a report by the regulator has found.

ABCC asks High Court to hear fines ban case

The ABCC is seeking special leave from the High Court to seek to overturn a recent decision that stymied the watchdog's push to prohibit unions from paying fines imposed on officials for unlawful conduct.

Demand for secret deal attracts $37,000 fine

The CFMEU and its former construction and general division Queensland branch president David Hanna have been fined more than $37,000 for threatening to continue industrial action against a construction company unless it agreed to a secret deal, with the court finding the union had a boundless disregard for the law.

$100 in damages for "bullied" ship's officer

The Federal Court has awarded a ship's officer $100 in nominal damages for her employer's breach of her employment contract, finding it could not have foreseen that its flawed investigation of allegations she was bullied by her captain would lead her to stop working in the maritime industry altogether.