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Managers didn't want to punch the clock, claims class action target

Australia's largest independent grocery retailer in defending a $20 million class action has admitted to breaching leave loading requirements, but otherwise denied it should have paid salaried employees for extra hours or recorded their additional time.

Organiser left to "guess" ABCC wanted him to pay fine: Court

The ABCC has secured fines totalling almost $300,000 against the CFMMEU, a union organiser and 16 workers for disrupting a major project in pursuit of a deal, but missed out on a personal payment order after leaving it to the official concerned to "guess" that was its intent.

"Late starter" denied flexitime: Claim

A worker who describes herself as a "late starter" is seeking either reinstatement or almost $1 million, claiming the Defence Department dismissed her for numerous prohibited reasons including her age and complaints about being denied flexible working hours.

Union sued for $900K over alleged age bias, bullying

A former HSU NSW branch organiser is suing the union for more than $900,000 in an adverse action case in which she claims to have been sacked because of her age and bullying complaints against her manager.

Fond farewell email sparked sacking, claims manager

A long serving manager who group-replied to a colleague's departure announcement expressing surprise at his leaving claims it led to his own sacking after being accused by his supervisor of lacking professionalism.

Account director did not foresee Oracle sacking

A former ANZ account director at Oracle Australia who claims he was told he had zero emotional intelligence before being sacked without warning is suing it in an adverse action claim seeking more than $780,000 plus commissions and penalties.

Bench rejects "global" approach to multiple breaches

In a significant ruling clarifying how penalties for multiple contraventions should be assessed, a full Federal Court has in cutting by more than half a $445,000 fine imposed on the CEPU rejected a judge's "global" approach to the historic reporting breaches.

MacBank's defective pay system an easy spot: Court

Macquarie Bank's HR department designed a defective pay system that a competent IR lawyer would have quickly identified, the Federal Circuit Court has held in fining the bank $330,000 on top of $1.3 million in compensation owing to wealth advisors.