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541 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Damages and compensation

Rare to permit self-represented class actions: Judge

It will rarely be appropriate for self-represented workers to run class actions, a Federal Court judge has held while moving to declass a representative proceeding brought by a Wilson Security guard on behalf of FIFO colleagues at the North-West Shelf gas project.

No basis for manager's lockdown pay cut: Tribunal

A 20% pay cut imposed on a general manager while his employer shut its doors due to COVID-19 restrictions breached his contract and did not qualify as a JobKeeper-enabling direction, WA's IRC has held.

Resources company seeks to suppress manager's court claim

An ASX-listed mining company that is pursuing a former contracts manager for allegedly misusing confidential information and earning secret profits is seeking to ban access to the details of an explosive Federal Court challenge to his sacking.

State laws no cap on compensation for "broken" worker: Judge

A Federal Court judge has affirmed the primacy of federal over state laws in determining that NSW workers compensation caps did not shackle the amounts he could award to a long-serving manager whose life was "effectively destroyed" by a new chief executive.

No "courtesy" extended to worker sacked after 33 years

The FWC has upheld an employer's entitlement to sack a depressed worker who could no longer perform his job after 33 years, but held it fluffed its lines by failing to extend him the "courtesy" of a chance to respond to its decision.

Qantas flags High Court appeal in outsourcing case

The TWU has vowed to fight for a substantial compensation package for almost 2000 former ground handlers and Qantas says it will appeal after a full court upheld a finding it took adverse action by outsourcing their roles, but refused to order reinstatement.

High Court rules on traumatised lawyer's case

The High Court has today unanimously found that a lawyer diagnosed with PTSD and depression after working in the Victorian public prosecutor's unit that handles s-xual offences, including those involving children, would have cooperated with steps by her employer to shift her to another area of its operations.