Damages and compensation page 42 of 55

542 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Damages and compensation

Ill wind blows no good for bullying complaint

A court has thrown out an aggrieved former employee's bullying case, finding he could not substantiate claims of a "complex conspiracy" that involved a flatulent supervisor.

Reinstatement untenable after loss of trust in employer

In a rare case turning on an employee's loss of trust in his employer rather than the other way around, the FWC has stepped back from ordering the reinstatement of a worker found to have been unfairly dismissed, despite describing it as the most "compelling" remedy.

Worker sacked for blowing whistle on drunk employer: FWC

The FWC has ordered a franchisee to compensate an unfairly dismissed employee who contacted head office to report her boss for drunkenness and drink driving in accordance with company whistleblowing provisions.

Court lowers bar for roster allowances

Employers are not automatically entitled to reduce roster allowances when working hours fall below an agreement's "indicative" threshold, a court has found.

Former Toll employee, far-right activist defies court orders

A court will next month decide whether to punish a former Toll employee after finding that he breached orders restraining him from publishing far-right nationalist videos in which he wears company-branded clothing.

Embassy unfairly sacked driver with bad back: FWC

A contested payslip and an unsigned employment contract obtained in "unusual" circumstances have persuaded the FWC that an ambassador's driver was unfairly dismissed after he informed the embassy he couldn't work for more than two hours at a time because of a sore back.

Fahour says he was protecting manager, not pandering to union

Former Australia Post chief executive Ahmed Fahour says he was acting out of concern for his national compensation manager's welfare rather than acceding to union demands when he sacked him and shut down his cost-saving project the same day he received a call from an "angry" union leader with whom he'd previously had hostile exchanges.