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541 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Damages and compensation

"Honest" directors culpable for $1.1 million underpayments

In a second-time-around ruling on accessorial liability, "exceptionally brilliant" inventor Kia Silverbrook and partner/fellow company director Janette Lee have this time failed to convince a court that they were not knowingly concerned in underpaying workers more than $1 million.

Uni's hierarchy subjected me to "group bullying": sacked HR manager

The NTEU and Murdoch University's former head of HR are joining forces to sue the tertiary institution and senior managers including the current vice-chancellor, alleging they bullied and unlawfully dismissed her when she complained about aggressive behaviour and flagged possible IR breaches.

Multinational sued by training specialist "marked as a betrayer"

The operator of a multi-billion dollar offshore gas project is being sued for gender discrimination, a former employee alleging the company paid her less than men, refused to cover travel costs, and took adverse action by downgrading her duties when she made complaints in the course of her job.

Academic sues university amid "toxic environment" claims

The head of a prominent university school is challenging her employer's ability to suspend her from leadership duties while allegedly requiring her to continue teaching, as part of a wide-ranging Federal Court attack on its disciplinary process.

DFAT spurns human rights watchdog's discrimination finding

The Department of Foreign Affairs has rejected a recommendation by Human Rights Commission President Rosalind Croucher that it pay more than $120,000 in compensation to a labour hire IT worker it discriminated against because of his criminal record.

"Deplorable" HR approach worst I've seen: FWC member

A senior FWC member has held that an abusive "alt-right" employer unfairly sacked an apprentice for refusing to assist his pursuit of revenge against a former employee, describing the company managing director as having the most deplorable attitude to HR management she had ever encountered.

Company reforms ways after criminal record discrimination

A company that withdrew an offer of employment when it discovered the potential employee's criminal record has paid her $2500 compensation and revised its global recruitment and HR practices, after the AHRC found it discriminated against her.

Security guards who "forgot" $58,000 reinstated

Armaguard has been ordered to reinstate two security guards sacked for their part in a "string of failures" that resulted in almost $60,000 cash being stolen, the FWC finding that the company failed to take into account numerous mitigating circumstances.

Gina's mine tried to "dig up dirt" on me, claims sacked overseer

A supervisor at Gina Rinehart's Roy Hill iron ore mine claims the company sacked him for making complaints and inquiries about his employment, at one point allegedly interviewing a former colleague he'd accused of assaulting him in an attempt to "dig up dirt".