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Union calls on government to intervene in Deliveroo case

The TWU is calling for Federal Government intervention as it prepares to appoint a legal team to represent a non-member Deliveroo rider who launched a sham contracting test case claiming he should have been paid as a casual, rather than per delivery as an independent contractor.

Adverse action case revived after judge jumps gun on costs

The self-described former general manager of a "car solutions" company has been given another opportunity to pursue an adverse action claim after the Federal Court found a lower court judge denied him a procedurally fair hearing while also ordering he pay unsought legal costs.

Folau case to go to trial next year

The Federal Circuit Court has today ordered representative rugby union player Israel Folau to enter into mediation with Rugby Australia and the NSW Waratahs before his unlawful dismissal claim goes to trial on February 4 next year.

Court puts bite on recalcitrant, underpaying dentist

The former director of a liquidated dental practice has been penalised and ordered to backpay a 457 visa worker thousands of dollars after a second adverse underpayment judgment involving his company.

Compensation based on "barest of evidence": FWC bench

An FWC full bench has thrown out a $40,000 compensation order made against an employer found to have unfairly dismissed a worker, ruling that a senior member erred in failing to categorise it as a small business.

Employer hit with costs after spurning "parasitic" settlement offer

A Canadian company must pay party-party costs after failing to seek advice from Australian employment law experts in contesting a former Sydney-based project manager's unfair dismissal claim, its chief executive instead rejecting a settlement offer as "parasitic and disgusting".

NRMA sues union over logo use

In a novel claim accusing the CFMMEU's maritime division of breaching intellectual property and consumer laws during negotiations for Manly Fast Ferry workers, the NRMA is suing the union for significant damages allegedly caused by using its logo in campaign material.

Teacher's "factual" poison anecdote no basis for sacking: FWC

A TAFE must reinstate a teacher it sacked after he named a prominent local farmer in a lecture about the effects of chemical sprays, the FWC finding that relating a "factual" 20-year-old anecdote did not amount to misconduct.