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543 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Damages and compensation

Triguboff lawyer's allegations "a fiction", claims Meriton

Meriton Property Services has hit back at its former general counsel's claim that he was unlawfully sacked after allegedly refusing managing director Harry Triguboff's direction to lie in an affidavit, claiming that the scenario was "contrived" in order to pursue damages through the court.

Stevedore to pursue union over estimated $80 million loss

The operator of the "robo-terminal" at Melbourne's Webb Dock says it is re-activating a damages claim against the CFMMEU which seeks to recover $80 million in losses and foregone income from a picket in late 2017.

ClubsNSW denies "whistleblower's" sham contracting claim

ClubsNSW is pushing back against a compliance auditor's sham contracting and defamation claims, while also pursuing him in another court for leaking an "alarming" board document to independent MP Andrew Wilkie.

Court confirms big employer's redundancy payment for reducing hours

In a significant judgment examining the interplay between employment relationships and employment contracts, the Federal Court has dismissed a major employer's appeal against a ruling it owed a cleaner redundancy pay after reducing her hours from full to part-time.

Frozen shoulder and bad back real reasons for sacking: Scientist

A cancer researcher and senior lecturer is suing a university for nearly $750,000 plus maximum penalties, alleging it performance-managed and sacked her because she took leave due to injuries and accused it of failing to accommodate her disability.

Union abandons reg challenge; Delay wage theft law: AiG; & more

Court finding on notice period change shredded; Call to halt wage theft law until working party concludes; Industry super paper concedes employees might bear costs of super rises; and $15K for academic in "labyrinthine" case.

Whistleblowing academic and university settle their differences

An academic who went public with concerns about international student admissions practices has dropped his adverse action claim against Murdoch University, which in turn has dropped its counter claim in a settlement hailed as a big win by the NTEU.

Zombie deal paid for up to 55 hours a week: Merivale

Merivale has hit back at a class action's claims it underpaid thousands of salaried employees and others engaged under a pre-Fair Work "zombie" deal and is maintaining it can use overpayments to offset additional entitlements.