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540 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Damages and compensation

Court overturns executive's $1 million payout after HR stoush

A company forced to reinstate a senior executive sacked more than three years ago after a stoush with a HR manager has successfully appealed, with the Federal Court to redetermine his adverse action case if not resolved at mediation.

Big employer fell short of its investigation standards: FWC

An ASX-listed company failed to meet its own standards for investigating alleged misconduct when it neglected to interview two key witnesses and relied upon a manager's inaccurate account of a worker's response to accusations, the FWC has found.

Judge baulks at signing off on shrunken class action settlement

The Federal Court has put the brakes on the $1.9 million settlement of a $65 million class action against marketing agency Appco, noting it would leave more than 1000 former fundraisers with "diddly squat" after the litigation funder takes half.

$1000 payout for worker denied JobKeeper

An employee potentially denied JobKeeper payments when his employer failed to consult him before making him redundant has won just $1000 compensation.

Former MacBank advisors awarded $1.3m after "rapacious" claims

Forty-eight former Macquarie Bank wealth advisors have been awarded compensation totalling more than $1.3 million despite a judge describing as "rapacious" their claims about underpayment of various leave entitlements.

Court orders $5 million-plus adverse action payout

In a significant general protections ruling, the Federal Court has today ordered an ASX-listed enterprise software company to pay more than $5.2 million in compensation, damages and penalties to a senior employee sacked after he made bullying complaints.