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"Suspicions of foul play" no basis for sacking: FWC

A medical recruiter that sacked a manager over an "under-investigated suspicion" he took confidential information from its database must compensate him after the FWC found it was so focused on building a Supreme Court case it failed to provide procedural fairness.

Big employer's "disturbing" HR failure

Amcor must compensate an injured worker by paying him for two months it should have granted as unpaid leave before sacking him, the FWC finding the packaging giant's failure to inform itself of obligations "disappointing and disturbing" given its size and HR resources.

Employer fined $36K after "daring" FWO to come after him

A hospitality business and its director have been hit with a $36,000 fine after they "snubbed their noses" at the FWC by failing to comply on time with orders to pay an unfairly sacked barista $5780 compensation.

HR manager gaslighted me: Claim

An aged care facility manager accusing a HR manager of "gaslighting" her by failing to reveal she was being investigated claims she returned from leave to find a complaints meeting underway in her own office.

"Whistleblower" surgeon launches $17 million adverse action claim

A weight loss surgeon accused of sexual harassment is claiming in a $17 million adverse action and breach of contract case that colleagues engaged in an "illegal means conspiracy" to damage him professionally after he blew the whistle on them.

Harassment case transcript not "doctored": Court

A courier driver has failed to overturn orders to pay a Sanity store manager $45,000 compensation and damages for s-xual harassment after a court rejected his claims that a tribunal's transcript of proceedings had been "doctored".

Reinstatement, backpay for nurse sacked over weight

A nurse sacked over her morbid obesity and unfitness to perform duties has won reinstatement and nearly three years' backpay, but a tribunal says she might not sufficiently recover from health setbacks caused by her lengthy suspension and wrongful dismissal.

HR failed to flag obligations to injured worker: FWC

The FWC has awarded compensation to a sacked childcare worker after noting the "disturbing" failure of a company's HR department to inform the chief executive of protections for employees forced to take time off due to illness or injury.

FWC to re-hear case of lawyer sacked for "insubordination"

A criminal lawyer has succeeded in overturning findings that he unfairly sacked a solicitor and practice manager he accused of "insubordination" and "sabotage", a FWC bench ruling that a tribunal member was too dismissive of his explanation for missing a hearing.

Legal fees suck up sacked workers' compensation

The FWC has questioned the choices that left two sacked childcare workers out of pocket despite being awarded compensation of 21 weeks' pay, observing that a "realistic" approach to the employer's settlement offer would have avoided costs that included having a barrister represent them before the tribunal over three days.