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Legislation says industrial action "did not happen": Bench

In a significant decision as to what constitutes industrial action, a full Federal Court has found that the legislative framework does not capture instances where a subcontractor's workers down tools with the support of their direct employer.

Builders wanted day's warning of safety checks, says union

The CFMMEU is taking a building company to court for allegedly requiring 24 hours' written notice for permit holders wanting to investigate suspected safety breaches at a WA construction site unless the union sent someone qualified to carry out testing.

Terminates here: Rail union pursuing alleged unpaid training

The RTBU is targeting a labour hire company's training school and its top executives with a backpayment claim for unremunerated "on-the-job" learning, potentially covering hundreds of past and present participants that the union characterises as "employees".

Union court action challenging docking of workers' pay

A Federal Circuit Court stoush over whether a company lawfully docked the pay of workers for attending a union meeting about on-site asbestos could hinge on whether they faced an "imminent threat" and whether the supervisor who granted permission was authorised.

FWO gets tough on dodgy paperwork

The Fair Work Ombudsman has begun the first proceedings using tougher new provisions relating to providing false and misleading documents during an investigation, Senate Estimates hearings have been told this week.

FWO drops Foodora test case

The FWO has dropped its case against Foodora over alleged sham contracts, bringing to a premature close what was anticipated to be a significant test of the gig economy's employment relationships in Australia.

Court reduces penalty after adverse publicity finding

In a significant decision on adverse publicity as a factor in setting penalties, a judge has heavily discounted fines sought against an underpaying Melbourne restaurant chain while criticising the FWO's practice of naming and shaming employers before their day in court.

Record fine against recalcitrant director

A business owner has been hit with a record $125,000 penalty over his company's failure to pay FWC-awarded compensation to an unfairly sacked former employee.