Prosecution page 29 of 50

498 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Prosecution

"This proceeding has developed elephantiasis": Judge

A judge has rebuked the FWO over its handling of a case brought against a silo manufacturer accused of underpaying two workers less than $13,000, observing that the "sorry saga" had "developed elephantiasis" and it was time it was brought to an end.

AWU-ROC deal avoids long trial

The AWU has made a formal agreement with the Registered Organisation Commission over its civil prosecution alleging breaches of the law that regulates union membership matters.

Folau case to go to trial next year

The Federal Circuit Court has today ordered representative rugby union player Israel Folau to enter into mediation with Rugby Australia and the NSW Waratahs before his unlawful dismissal claim goes to trial on February 4 next year.

ETU says it won't wear ban on union T-shirt

The ETU is suing the operator of Victoria's electricity transmission and distribution network for banning a delegate from wearing his union-branded T-shirt, claiming it is taking adverse and discriminatory action by threatening that it might dismiss him if he wears it again.

Employer held accountable for "disestablishment" of role

A university faces possible reinstatement and penalty orders following a finding that it used redundancy to manage-out a complaining accountant who was considered by her supervisor to be "poisonous to the team environment".

NRMA sues union over logo use

In a novel claim accusing the CFMMEU's maritime division of breaching intellectual property and consumer laws during negotiations for Manly Fast Ferry workers, the NRMA is suing the union for significant damages allegedly caused by using its logo in campaign material.

Court to hear s-x-shop "overseer" underpaid

A s-x-shop sales worker and "booth" monitor is suing his employer for more than $30,000 in alleged underpayments he claims to be owed under the general retail award, while also suggesting that it wrongly classified him as a casual employee.