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"Emboldened" CFMMEU deserves no penalty discounts: Judge

A judge has today accepted the ABCC's view that the construction union's lengthy rap sheet should influence the penalty for a relatively minor breach, but has declined to impose a personal payment order on the official involved.

Specialists make $3 million claim

A group of 10 intensive care specialist doctors are suing Victorian public health service Austin Health for more than $3 million in alleged underpayments plus compensation for humiliation and loss of enjoyment.

Prosecutor wins damages over exposure to child pornography

In a significant decision on duty of care, a former public prosecutor and mother of two traumatised by having to prepare a large volume of child sexual offence cases has been awarded more than $400,000 in damages.

CFMMEU appeal erases publication order, but little else

A full Federal Court has largely dismissed the CFMMEU's broad-ranging appeal against more than $300,000 in fines imposed for attempting to force a contractor into signing a union-approved deal, agreeing only that publication orders served no purpose and that too much was made of an "eenie meenie miney mo!" text message.

"Dysfunctional" union fined $445K for reporting breaches

The CEPU has been fined $445,000 for historic reporting breaches, a Federal Court judge observing that the penalty would have been higher had the union not moved to clean up its act by employing a compliance officer.

Member of rebel union seeks to restrain employer

Queensland's IRC is today considering a bid to restrain Queensland Health from dismissing a senior nurse who says she spoke to the media about alleged training flaws in her role as a union delegate, in a case testing the state's new human rights laws and the rights of non-registered unions.

Court grounds pilots' adverse action case

A pilots' union that established in the High Court that it could pursue a case on behalf eligible of non-members has lost its substantive case accusing budget airline Regional Express of threatening adverse action against cadets who exercise a workplace right.

Court fines AWU for adverse action against members

The Federal Court has today ordered the AWU to pay an $18,000 penalty for pressing charges under its rules against two members who refused to support industrial action against Orica.

Tech giant can't retrospectively cap sales commissions: Court

Hewlett Packard must pay an overperforming sales executive more than $370,000 to honour a decade-old unpaid bonus, after the technology giant failed to establish that it can retrospectively cap commissions if employees substantially exceed targets.

Australia Post made "extraordinary" gardening leave decision: Court

Australia Post is facing a damages bill for breaching the contract of a national worker's compensation manager who accused it of caving in to union demands to remove him, after failing to establish that it offered him an equivalent position after a period of gardening leave.