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Qantas sued for millions over alleged 30-year-old events

A 55-year-old former cabin crew manager is seeking $1.7 million in lost wages and super, plus future lost earnings until retirement and at least $200,000 in damages from Qantas for alleged sexual discrimination and harassment some 17 to 30 years ago, according to court documents the airline sought to keep under wraps.

Grounded Kangaroo opposing public release of court papers

The Federal Court will rule tomorrow on a Qantas bid to block access to documents lodged by a former employee who claims she has been subjected to s-xual and disability discrimination and s-xual harassment.

One Key class action to test vulnerable worker provisions

The law firm behind a multi-million-dollar class action against labour hire provider One Key Resources and One Key Holdings says it will test the ability of vulnerable workers legislation to hold parent companies to account.

Court allows workers to maintain class action

The Federal Court has refused to "declass", provide an "opt-in" or make a common fund order for a major class action that is seeking entitlements for at least 3350 telecommunications workers allegedly misclassified as subcontractors.

Court fines employer for hampering entry rights

A court has penalised an early learning centre that refused on the basis of an alleged threat to its workers' "health and wellbeing" to allow a union organiser use its staff room to hold discussions, directing her instead to a storage room.

Health chief seeks his share of Medicare income

The chief executive of an Aboriginal health service is suing it for $500,000 in allegedly unpaid bonuses from its Medicare and dental practice income, as part of an adverse action claim linking his sacking to an attempt to seek improved conditions.

Wage theft legislation introduced in Victoria

The Victorian Government has pushed ahead with legislation to create a criminal offence for deliberate underpayment, defying employer calls for it to be scrapped or delayed.

Organisations warned over dodgy car sales

Unions and employer groups have been warned over claims that cars are being sold below market value to deliver "windfall gains" to employees, officials and third parties.