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Cultural differences a poor excuse for exploitation: Judge

A federal court judge has in fining an underpaying juice shop operator almost $35,000 flatly rejected "cultur[al] differences" as a mitigating factor, lamenting instead the frequency with which ethnically diverse employers exploit their own communities.

NTEU to launch underpayment class actions

The NTEU says it is preparing a "wave of class actions" and will "open the rule book" in pursuing other avenues to recover millions of dollars in underpayments on behalf of highly casualised university employees.

Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Union officials to pay fines despite ABCC's "hyperbolic" argument

The ABCC has enjoyed another mixed result in its campaign to bring the CFMMEU to heel, a Federal Court judge agreeing to impose personal payment orders against three officials involved in picketing a building site but rejecting argument that the union's past record should necessarily attract maximum penalties.

Judge says FWO didn't seek compensation for ripped-off workers

In levelling a $22,440 penalty against the former owner-operator of a labour-hire company that underpaid 80 workers on a Queensland mushroom farm more than $78,000, a court has noted the FWO did not seek compensation.

"Overloaded" Virgin manager seeking $250,000 compensation

An account manager who is suing Virgin Australia for alleged pregnancy discrimination and adverse action says it imposed an excessive workload when she returned from her first period of parental leave and made her redundant during her second.

Union coerced employer to make enterprise deal: Court

The CFMMEU and one of its officials organised unlawful industrial action by 16 building workers to coerce a construction subcontractor to make an agreement for a stadium construction project, the Federal Court has ruled