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MUA planning May Day strike at robodock

MUA members are set to resume protected industrial action at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal" ahead of the Victorian Supreme Court hearing a massive damages claim against the union over a picket in late 2017.

Picketing, coercion warrants "severe" penalties: Judge

The Federal Court has imposed fines and costs of almost $1 million on the CFMMEU and more than $170,000 on officials and delegates for unlawful picketing and coercion of a crane company to reinstate a sacked delegate and sign an agreement.

Court halts "discriminatory" Qantas pilot retirement

A Qantas international captain, in a case with some echoes of the landmark Christie case, has won an interim injunction to restrain what he claims is a discriminatory decision to dismiss him because he has turned 65 and can't meet his job's inherent requirements.

Cross-claim alleges misappropriation by chief executive

A company facing unpaid entitlements claims from its former chief executive and chief financial officer has lodged counterclaims seeking repayment of hundreds of thousands of dollars in alleged unauthorised expenses claims.

University retaliated after bullying complaints: Professor

A Canadian academic who claims she was ambushed and threatened with losing her position after making bullying complaints is accusing Curtin University of retaliating by undertaking an unnecessary restructure and a sham redundancy.

Employsure preying on "unsuspecting clients": Advisor

A former Employsure client experience specialist who claims his colleagues bullied him over his criminal past is accusing the employment advisor of "unscrupulous" and misleading sales tactics in an adverse action case seeking compensation for reputational and financial loss.

Hitch for ACCC in CFMMEU cartel case

The ACCC has had a major setback in its landmark cartel case against the CFMMEU construction and general division's ACT branch and its secretary, Jason O'Mara.

Franchisor told franchisee it could pay flat rates: Court

Two franchisee directors of a Chatime bubble tea store have had most of their underpayment penalties suspended after a court accepted they acted on their franchisor's advice that they could pay age-based flat rates.

Rio sacked me for COVID-roster complaints: Supervisor

A Rio Tinto fly-in-fly-out supervisor sacked after his car swerved when he picked up his mobile phone is claiming in an adverse action case that he was really ousted over complaints about working arrangements while stuck in WA due to COVID-19 restrictions.

FWO pursues CFMMEU over rancorous picket

The Fair Work Ombudsman has begun Federal Court action against the CFMMEU and five union officials stemming from the bitter 2017-18 dispute at Glencore's Oaky North coal mine in Queensland, which included a seven-month lockout and picket.