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43 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Competition law

Employsure business model gets tick from court

The ACCC's five-pronged case against Employsure over alleged misrepresentations and unfair contracts has been tossed out, the Federal Court crucially accepting that its target audience is confined to employers rather than a broader category including workers.

COVID-19 competition exemption for health worker insurance

The ACCC has granted urgent interim authorisation to enable life insurers to co-ordinate to ensure a broad range of frontline healthcare workers are not excluded from coverage due to potential or actual exposure to COVID-19.

Court to umpire sporting dispute over unpaid trial regime

A-League soccer team Central Coast Mariners says it is surprised to find itself at the centre of a possible test case challenging unpaid trial and training arrangements, in which a player claims it misled and exploited him to secure his services for free when he was in fact an employee.

ACCC unit investigating IR conduct in construction

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has quietly established a special unit that has multiple investigations afoot in the commercial construction industry.

Employer seeks $450,000 payout for pre-engagement "misrepresentations"

An employer has responded to a salesperson's general protections case with a counterclaim seeking $450,000 in damages for lost sales and the cost of recruiting him because of his alleged misleading and deceptive conduct in making false pre-employment representations about his experience and seniority.

Ride-share legislation revs up taxi industry

Queensland's peak taxi body has hit out at state laws passed overnight extending licensing and safety restrictions to ride-share services, while a Victorian counterpart says it is concerned that new protections in that state will be undermined by an inability to enforce compliance.

US state law invoked in successful restraint case

The WA Supreme Court has tested how an employment agreement stacks up under US state law before granting an American company an interlocutory injunction restraining a former Australian employee from working for his new Perth employer.

Setka fails to derail blackmail case

The Melbourne Magistrates Court has rejected an application to halt the committal hearings for blackmail charges against Victorian CFMEU leaders John Setka and Shaun Reardon.

Victorian CFMEU leaders seek to head off blackmail trial

Lawyers for Victorian CFMEU leader John Setka and his assistant Shaun Reardon have today challenged the jurisdiction of the Melbourne Magistrates Court to conduct a committal hearing on blackmail charges.

CFMEU Victoria legal costs skyrocket

The CFMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch spent $13.1 million on legal costs in the 12 months to the end of last year, up more than five-fold from $2.3 million in 2014.