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195 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Right of entry

Judge evokes BLF deregistration in CFMMEU ruling

A Federal Court judge has evoked the memory of the BLF's deregistration in the course of handing out maximum fines to the CFMMEU for "deplorable" breaches by a past State branch president, suggesting that any organisation that fails to rein in aberrant behaviour "cannot expect to remain registered in its existing form".

Union official avoids personal payment order

In a significant blow to ABCC attempts to rein in the behaviour of union officials by holding them personally liable for breach fines, the Federal Court has today ruled that an offender's past record must be taken into account before imposing such conditions.

Qantas court decision "raises bar" on entry rights: Union

The Federal Court has upheld Qantas' right to refuse access to documents sought over a "leave burn" program for aircraft engineers, in a decision a union leader says raises the bar for entering workplaces to prove breaches.

Organiser visits must not stray outside work hours: Bench

In a significant decision on entry rights, a Federal Court full bench has confirmed today that a permit holder's right to hold discussions with union members or potential members during "breaks" does not include the period before and after their shifts.

Full court closes potential entry laws loophole

A full Federal Court has upheld the ABCC's challenge to a finding that two CFMEU officials who intentionally disregarded requests to show entry permits did not breach the Fair Work Act's entry restrictions, because they were not seeking to exercise their lawful rights.

Ex-CFMEU official granted permit after Damascus moment

The FWC has granted an entry permit to a former CFMEU official once fined $30,000 for blockading a worksite and abusing workers in a bid to coerce Grocon into making an agreement, hearing he became a "different person" once employed as an AWU organiser.

FWC comes to emotional rescue of CFMMEU leader

The FWC has renewed the entry permit of CFMMEU construction and general division WA branch president and organiser Vinnie Molina, on the condition that he undertake "emotional management" training to prevent a recurrence of infractions for which he has been fined almost $17,000 since 2012.

McBurney "clarifies" when ABCC became aware of entry misinformation

The construction watchdog has written to a parliamentary committee to "clarify" the time at which senior managers became aware the agency had incorrect advice on its website, an issue that led to the resignation of former ABCC chief, Nigel Hadgkiss.

"My boss is bigger than yours" alleged entry breach: ABCC

Having only recently been given the all-clear over a heavily-scrutinised $75,000 payment while at the CEPU, former Unions Tasmania secretary and political aspirant Kevin Harkins will face a Federal Court judge next month as the ABCC pursues him over "abusive" entry breaches.